


My favorite player is Anthony Davis


He had

Second NBA best team

The second best defensive lineup in NBA

An all star MVP



Poster There will be an exciting basketball match! Teams: New York City basketball team vs our school basketball team Place: the basketball court. Time: 4p.m.Sep.5th,2008 Organizer: Department of Recreation and Sports of the School Audiences should go to cheer our team in their sportswear. If it rains, the match will be put off till next Friday. Department of Recreation and Sports of the School Sep. 1st, 2008


Lebron James again in the playoffs, while SheJiChenSha about his future has become the focus of attention in the media.

From the media reflect the runaway, James almost has become an inevitable. ESPN's six MingJi only one of the possibility that James left more than 50%, marc stein, James is adamant that for years like for him to pay the owner say goodbye, while he gilbert and Ohio ties also let James unaccountable to leave. In mark stein, James - remain the biggest,NHL Jerseys, the probability is reached 60 percent. Of course, he also think there's future is James good-by, for example, may be obtained if the basket really draft, scored James handpicked's draft, and John wal-mart's boss mikhail khodorkovsky, James is really the resources necessary to consider joining the nets.


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