网球拍英语初中,英语 网球拍


baseball tennis区别?


网球拍英语初中,英语 网球拍


play tennistennis 英[ˈtenɪs] 美['tenɪs]n. 网球(运动);短语搭配1、决定打网球Decided to play tennis ; Decide a game of tennis 2、汤姆喜欢打网球tom enjoys play tennis 3、喜欢打网球like to play tennis 4、开始打网球take up tennis 5、他喜欢打网球He Likes Playing Tennis 我认识一些人,他们会与其他人打网球或者踢足球。

那蝴蝶曾经在短短的一瞬出现过,那是,在那个打网球的场景里,当亨伯特和洛丽塔打球的时候,一只,蝴蝶从他们中间飞过,它标志着他们在那个时刻是艺术家。扩展资料近义词tennis ball短语:1.网球场 tennis court;2.网球公开赛 Open Tennis Championship;3.网球拍 tennis racket;4.网球腿 tennis leg;5.网球鞋 sneakers;6.网球肘 tennis elbow例句这些人可并没有赢了网球比赛,或是刚得了格莱美奖。


  Tennis is a beautiful and intense sports, the origin and development of the tennis movement can be summed up in four words: pregnant in France, born in the United Kingdom, began to spread and form a climax in the United States, now popular all over the world, known as the world's second largest ball games.  Tennis is usually carried out between two singles players or two pairs of doubles. The players on the tennis court across the net to play tennis with a tennis racket.  Modern tennis movement was born in nineteenth Century in the United Kingdom Bermingham. In twentieth Century, tennis has been widely developed in the world, and has become a worldwide sport. The most watched tennis tournament is held every year in the four four Grand Slam events.  网球是一项优美而激烈的体育运动,网球运动的由来和发展可以用四句话来概括:孕育在法国,诞生在英国,开始普及和形成高潮在美国,现在盛行全世界,被称为世界第二大球类运动。  网球通常在两个单打球员或两对双打组合之间进行。球员在网球场上隔着球网用网球拍击打网球。  现代网球运动诞生于19世纪的英国伯明翰。在20世纪中,网球在世界各地得到广泛发展,并成为一项世界性的体育运动。最受关注的网球比赛是每年举办的四项网球四大满贯赛事。


上一篇: 网球比赛鹰眼的作用,网球比赛中的鹰眼
下一篇: 网球的暴击发球,网球的暴击发球是什么
